Report of the Third Annual General Meeting of TJP 54

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Skot TJP54 yang hadirDate: May 5, 2024 Venue: Hotel Tenera, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor

The Third Annual General Meeting of TJP 54 was held on May 5, 2024, at Hotel Tenera in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. The meeting was attended by members of TJP 54, both individually and with their families.

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Barisan Ahli Jawatankuasa Sessi 2024/2025

Agenda Items:

Lunch: The event commenced with a sumptuous lunch provided by the hotel, featuring a variety of dishes, desserts, and beverages.

Commencement of AGM: Following the lunch, the AGM officially began with the presentation of the minutes from the previous AGM, the financial report for the year 2023, the activity report for the past year, the dissolution of the old Committee, and the election/appointment of new Committee Members.

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Isteri dan anak-anak serta cucu skot TJP 54 yang turut hadir

Appointment of New Committee: Congratulations were extended to the newly appointed Committee Members, with Jafri bin Sulaiman leading the association. In his speech, Jafri expressed gratitude for the opportunity to lead the association and pledged to work tirelessly for the benefit of all members. He encouraged unregistered members to register for the association, emphasizing its importance in safeguarding members’ welfare and interests. He also committed to securing funds from various sources to support the association’s activities.

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Appreciation for Former Management: Infinite appreciation was expressed to the former management team, especially Nasharuddin, for their dedication and leadership from the establishment of the association until its registration. Nasharuddin expressed his commitment to continue supporting the association’s new management team from behind the scenes.

Conclusion: The meeting concluded with a photo session involving wives and children, followed by all members. Plans for future gatherings will be discussed and communicated at a later date.

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The Third Annual General Meeting of TJP 54 concluded successfully, with constructive discussions, appointments, and expressions of gratitude. The association looks forward to continuing its mission of serving its members and promoting their welfare in the future.

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